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os::ListViewHeader Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for os::ListViewHeader:
os::View os::Handler


class ListView
class ListViewRow
class ListViewCol

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from os::View
 View (const Rect &cFrame, const String &cTitle, uint32 nResizeMask=CF_FOLLOW_LEFT|CF_FOLLOW_TOP, uint32 nFlags=WID_WILL_DRAW|WID_CLEAR_BACKGROUND)
 View constructor. More...
virtual ~View ()
 View destructor. More...
virtual void AttachedToWindow ()
virtual void AllAttached ()
virtual void DetachedFromWindow ()
virtual void AllDetached ()
virtual void Activated (bool bIsActive)
 Hook called when the view gain or loose focus. More...
virtual void WindowActivated (bool bIsActive)
 Hook called when the window hosting this view gain or loose focus. More...
virtual void KeyDown (const char *pzString, const char *pzRawString, uint32 nQualifiers)
 Hook called by the system when a key is pressed while the view has focus. More...
virtual void KeyUp (const char *pzString, const char *pzRawString, uint32 nQualifiers)
 Hook called by the system when a key is released while the view has focus. More...
virtual void FrameMoved (const Point &cDelta)
 Virtual hook called by the system when the view is moved within it's parent. More...
virtual void FontChanged (Font *pcNewFont)
 Called to notify the view that the font has changed. More...
virtual Point GetPreferredSize (bool bLargest) const
virtual Point GetContentSize () const
virtual void WheelMoved (const Point &cDelta)
 Hook called by the system when the scroll-wheel is rotated. More...
virtual void AddChild (View *pcView, bool bAssignTabOrder=false)
void RemoveChild (View *pcChild)
void RemoveThis ()
ViewGetChildAt (const Point &cPos) const
ViewGetChildAt (int nIndex) const
ViewGetParent () const
ScrollBarGetVScrollBar () const
ScrollBarGetHScrollBar () const
WindowGetWindow () const
String GetTitle () const
virtual int GetTabOrder () const
 Get the keybord manouvering order. More...
virtual void SetTabOrder (int nOrder=NEXT_TAB_ORDER)
 Set the keyboard manouvering sorting order. More...
virtual const ShortcutKeyGetShortcut () const
virtual void SetShortcut (const ShortcutKey &cShortcut)
 Set keyboard shortcut. More...
virtual void SetShortcutFromLabel (const String &cLabel)
 Set keyboard shortcut from Label. More...
void SetContextMenu (Menu *pcMenu)
 Set popup menu for a View. More...
MenuGetContextMenu () const
 Get popup menu. More...
uint32 GetQualifiers () const
void GetMouse (Point *pcPosition, uint32 *pnButtons) const
void SetMousePos (const Point &cPosition)
void BeginDrag (Message *pcData, const Point &cOffset, const Bitmap *pcBitmap, Handler *pcReplyTarget=NULL)
 Start a drag and drop operation. More...
void BeginDrag (Message *pcData, const Point &cOffset, const Rect &cBounds, Handler *pcReplyTarget=NULL)
 Start a drag and drop operation. More...
void SetFlags (uint32 nFlags)
uint32 GetFlags (uint32 nMask=~0L) const
void SetResizeMask (uint32 nFlags)
uint32 GetResizeMask () const
void Show (bool bVisible=true)
 Show/hide a view and all it's children. More...
void Hide ()
bool IsVisible () const
virtual void MakeFocus (bool bFocus=true)
Rect GetFrame () const
Rect GetBounds () const
Rect GetNormalizedBounds () const
float Width () const
float Height () const
Point GetLeftTop () const
virtual void SetFrame (const Rect &cRect, bool bNotifyServer=true)
 Set the size and position relative to the parent view. More...
virtual void MoveBy (const Point &cDelta)
 Move the view within the parent coordinate system. More...
virtual void MoveBy (float vDeltaX, float vDeltaY)
virtual void MoveTo (const Point &cPos)
 Set the views position within the parent coordinate system. More...
virtual void MoveTo (float x, float y)
virtual void ResizeBy (const Point &cDelta)
virtual void ResizeBy (float vDeltaW, float vDeltaH)
virtual void ResizeTo (const Point &cSize)
 Set a new absolute size for the view. More...
virtual void ResizeTo (float W, float H)
 Set a new absolute size for the view. More...
void SetDrawingRegion (const Region &cReg)
 Restrict rendering using a clipping region. More...
void ClearDrawingRegion ()
 Remove any previously assigned drawing region. More...
void SetShapeRegion (const Region &cReg)
 Define a non-square shape for the view. More...
void ClearShapeRegion ()
 Remove any previously assigned shape region. More...
virtual int ToggleDepth ()
Point ConvertFromParent (const Point &cPoint) const
void ConvertFromParent (Point *cPoint) const
Rect ConvertFromParent (const Rect &cRect) const
void ConvertFromParent (Rect *cRect) const
Point ConvertToWindow (const Point &cPoint) const
void ConvertToWindow (Point *cPoint) const
Rect ConvertToWindow (const Rect &cRect) const
void ConvertToWindow (Rect *cRect) const
Point ConvertFromWindow (const Point &cPoint) const
void ConvertFromWindow (Point *cPoint) const
Rect ConvertFromWindow (const Rect &cRect) const
void ConvertFromWindow (Rect *cRect) const
Point ConvertToScreen (const Point &cPoint) const
void ConvertToScreen (Point *cPoint) const
Rect ConvertToScreen (const Rect &cRect) const
void ConvertToScreen (Rect *cRect) const
Point ConvertFromScreen (const Point &cPoint) const
void ConvertFromScreen (Point *cPoint) const
Rect ConvertFromScreen (const Rect &cRect) const
void ConvertFromScreen (Rect *cRect) const
void Invalidate (const Rect &cRect, bool bRecurse=false)
 Add a rectangle to the damage list. More...
void Invalidate (bool bRecurse=false)
 Invalidate the whole view. More...
void Flush ()
 Flush the render queue. More...
void Sync ()
 Flush the render queue. More...
void SetDrawingMode (drawing_mode nMode)
drawing_mode GetDrawingMode () const
void SetFont (Font *pcFont)
 Change the views text font. More...
FontGetFont () const
void SetFgColor (int nRed, int nGreen, int nBlue, int nAlpha=255)
void SetFgColor (Color32_s sColor)
Color32_s GetFgColor () const
void SetBgColor (int nRed, int nGreen, int nBlue, int nAlpha=255)
void SetBgColor (Color32_s sColor)
Color32_s GetBgColor () const
void SetEraseColor (int nRed, int nGreen, int nBlue, int nAlpha=255)
void SetEraseColor (Color32_s sColor)
Color32_s GetEraseColor () const
void MovePenTo (const Point &cPos)
void MovePenTo (float x, float y)
void MovePenBy (const Point &cPos)
void MovePenBy (float x, float y)
Point GetPenPosition () const
 Get the current pen position. More...
void DrawLine (const Point &cToPoint)
void DrawLine (const Point &cFromPnt, const Point &cToPnt)
virtual void ScrollBy (const Point &cDelta)
virtual void ScrollBy (float vDeltaX, float vDeltaY)
virtual void ScrollTo (Point cTopLeft)
virtual void ScrollTo (float x, float y)
Point GetScrollOffset () const
void ScrollRect (const Rect &cSrcRect, const Rect &cDstRect)
 Copy a rectangle from one location to another within the view. More...
void FillRect (const Rect &cRect)
void FillRect (const Rect &cRect, Color32_s sColor)
void DrawBitmap (const Bitmap *pcBitmap, const Rect &cSrcRect, const Rect &cDstRect)
 Render a bitmap into the view. More...
void EraseRect (const Rect &cRect)
void DrawFrame (const Rect &cRect, uint32 nFlags)
void DrawRoundedFrame (const os::Rect &cReizeFrame=os::Rect(1, 4,-1,-4), const os::Color32_s &cColor=get_default_color(COL_SHADOW))
void DrawRoundedFrame (const os::Rect &cFrame, const os::Rect &cReizeFrame=os::Rect(1, 4,-1,-4), const os::Color32_s &cColor=get_default_color(COL_SHADOW))
void DrawString (const Point &cPos, const String &cString)
void DrawString (const String &cString)
 Render a text-string at the current pen position. More...
void DrawString (const char *pzStr, int Len=-1)
void DrawText (const Rect &cPos, const String &cString, uint32 nFlags=0)
 Render a text-string in a specified rectangle. More...
void DrawSelectedText (const Rect &cPos, const String &cString, const IPoint &cSel1, const IPoint &cSel2, uint32 nMode=SEL_CHAR, uint32 nFlags=0)
void GetSelection (const String &cClipboard="__system_clipboard__")
void GetTruncatedStrings (const char **pazStringArray, int nStringCount, uint32 nMode, float nWidth, char **pazResultArray) const
float GetStringWidth (const String &cString) const
float GetStringWidth (const char *pzString, int nLen=-1) const
void GetStringWidths (const char **apzStringArray, const int *anLengthArray, int nStringCount, float *avWidthArray) const
Point GetTextExtent (const String &cString, uint32 nFlags=0, int nTargetWidth=-1) const
int GetStringLength (const String &cString, float vWidth, bool bIncludeLast=false) const
int GetStringLength (const char *pzString, int nLen, float vWidth, bool bIncludeLast=false) const
void GetStringLengths (const char **apzStringArray, const int *anLengthArray, int nStringCount, float vWidth, int *anMaxLengthArray, bool bIncludeLast=false) const
void GetFontHeight (font_height *psHeight) const
void Ping (int nSize=0) const
void SetToolTip (const os::String &t)
os::String GetToolTip () const
Point ConvertToParent (const Point &cPoint) const
 Translate a os::Point into our parents coordinate system. More...
void ConvertToParent (Point *cPoint) const
 Translate a os::Point into our parents coordinate system. More...
Rect ConvertToParent (const Rect &cRect) const
void ConvertToParent (Rect *cRect) const

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class ListView
friend class ListViewCol
friend class ListViewRow