* 2012-04-xx - Flemming H. Sørensen *
Changed WebKit version. r29946 compiled but couldn't be executed. Replaced it with r29940.
Minor changes to startup-scripts.
Path to attribcheck corrected.
Symlinks to date-archived logfiles now exist in the log-directory, for easy access to the latest logs.
Log-files has a text/plain mime-type.
Appserver is no longer loaded by init.sh
registrar will now also check ~/Software/Applications and /boot/System/binary for apps to add to Dock-menu.
Everything in /boot/System/binary/ that shouldn't be listed in Dock-menu now have "os::Category Ignore".
/boot/Software/ has been removed. Might get reimplemented later, if needed. ~/Software/ should be enough for most people.
Kernel will search /boot/System/nix/lib/ for libraries.
Fixed path to Dock-menu category icons.
New set of bookmarks.
Added wallpapers from Jonas Jarvoll.
Added os::Note with Copyright and Website for the copyright holder.
A few extra packages has been added/moved to Base: iana-etc, curl, openssl, sed.
A few extra packages has been added/moved to Shell: ncurses, terminfo.
Fixed zip patch.
Fixed bzip2 install path.
Changed "magic" and "mime.types" to use application/x-zip instead of application/zip as zip-file mime-type.
Fixed build-files for star, smake, and cdrtools, so star is used for unpacking the source archive, and smake is used for building.
* 2012-04-15 - Initial Pyro *
Replaced format with a GUI tool.
Mount will now create mount-point, if it doesn't exist.
Util attribcheck has been added, to quickly verify the existance of an attribute.
Added some extra components.
* 2012-04-15 - Initial Syllable *
Restructured the Syllable source, and changed a few names, to make it match Pyro.
Added some extra components.