Pyro higlevel API
This is the complete list of members for os::CalendarView, including all inherited members.
_DrawRoundedFrame(View *view) | os::CalendarView | |
Activated(bool bIsActive) | os::View | virtual |
AddChild(View *pcView, bool bAssignTabOrder=false) | os::View | virtual |
AddFilter(MessageFilter *pcFilter) | os::Handler | |
AllAttached() | os::CalendarView | virtual |
AllDetached() | os::View | virtual |
AttachedToWindow() | os::View | virtual |
BeginDrag(Message *pcData, const Point &cOffset, const Bitmap *pcBitmap, Handler *pcReplyTarget=NULL) | os::View | |
BeginDrag(Message *pcData, const Point &cOffset, const Rect &cBounds, Handler *pcReplyTarget=NULL) | os::View | |
CalendarView(const os::Rect &, const os::String &cName, os::Messenger *parent=NULL, const os::DateTime &cDate=os::DateTime::Now(), bool bShowDateView=false, uint32 nResizeMask=os::CF_FOLLOW_ALL, uint32 nFlags=os::WID_WILL_DRAW|os::WID_CLEAR_BACKGROUND|os::WID_FULL_UPDATE_ON_RESIZE) | os::CalendarView | |
ClearDrawingRegion() | os::View | |
ClearShapeRegion() | os::View | |
ConvertFromParent(const Point &cPoint) const | os::View | |
ConvertFromParent(Point *cPoint) const | os::View | |
ConvertFromParent(const Rect &cRect) const | os::View | |
ConvertFromParent(Rect *cRect) const | os::View | |
ConvertFromScreen(const Point &cPoint) const | os::View | |
ConvertFromScreen(Point *cPoint) const | os::View | |
ConvertFromScreen(const Rect &cRect) const | os::View | |
ConvertFromScreen(Rect *cRect) const | os::View | |
ConvertFromWindow(const Point &cPoint) const | os::View | |
ConvertFromWindow(Point *cPoint) const | os::View | |
ConvertFromWindow(const Rect &cRect) const | os::View | |
ConvertFromWindow(Rect *cRect) const | os::View | |
ConvertToParent(const Point &cPoint) const | os::View | |
ConvertToParent(Point *cPoint) const | os::View | |
ConvertToParent(const Rect &cRect) const | os::View | |
ConvertToParent(Rect *cRect) const | os::View | |
ConvertToScreen(const Point &cPoint) const | os::View | |
ConvertToScreen(Point *cPoint) const | os::View | |
ConvertToScreen(const Rect &cRect) const | os::View | |
ConvertToScreen(Rect *cRect) const | os::View | |
ConvertToWindow(const Point &cPoint) const | os::View | |
ConvertToWindow(Point *cPoint) const | os::View | |
ConvertToWindow(const Rect &cRect) const | os::View | |
ConvertToWindow(Rect *cRect) const | os::View | |
DetachedFromWindow() | os::View | virtual |
DrawBitmap(const Bitmap *pcBitmap, const Rect &cSrcRect, const Rect &cDstRect) | os::View | |
DrawFrame(const Rect &cRect, uint32 nFlags) | os::View | |
DrawLine(const Point &cToPoint) | os::View | |
DrawLine(const Point &cFromPnt, const Point &cToPnt) | os::View | |
DrawRoundedFrame(const os::Rect &cReizeFrame=os::Rect(1, 4,-1,-4), const os::Color32_s &cColor=get_default_color(COL_SHADOW)) | os::View | |
DrawRoundedFrame(const os::Rect &cFrame, const os::Rect &cReizeFrame=os::Rect(1, 4,-1,-4), const os::Color32_s &cColor=get_default_color(COL_SHADOW)) | os::View | |
DrawSelectedText(const Rect &cPos, const String &cString, const IPoint &cSel1, const IPoint &cSel2, uint32 nMode=SEL_CHAR, uint32 nFlags=0) | os::View | |
DrawString(const Point &cPos, const String &cString) | os::View | |
DrawString(const String &cString) | os::View | |
DrawString(const char *pzStr, int Len=-1) | os::View | |
DrawText(const Rect &cPos, const String &cString, uint32 nFlags=0) | os::View | |
EraseRect(const Rect &cRect) | os::View | |
FillRect(const Rect &cRect) | os::View | |
FillRect(const Rect &cRect, Color32_s sColor) | os::View | |
Flush() | os::View | |
FontChanged(Font *pcNewFont) | os::View | virtual |
FrameMoved(const Point &cDelta) | os::View | virtual |
FrameSized(const Point &cDelta) | os::View | virtual |
GetBgColor() const | os::View | |
GetBounds() const | os::View | |
GetChildAt(const Point &cPos) const | os::View | |
GetChildAt(int nIndex) const | os::View | |
GetContentSize() const | os::View | virtual |
GetContextMenu() const | os::View | |
GetDate() const | os::CalendarView | |
GetDrawingMode() const | os::View | |
GetEraseColor() const | os::View | |
GetFgColor() const | os::View | |
GetFilterList() const | os::Handler | |
GetFlags(uint32 nMask=~0L) const | os::View | |
GetFont() const | os::View | |
GetFontHeight(font_height *psHeight) const | os::View | |
GetFrame() const | os::View | |
GetHScrollBar() const | os::View | |
GetLeftTop() const | os::View | |
GetLooper() const | os::Handler | |
GetMouse(Point *pcPosition, uint32 *pnButtons) const | os::View | |
GetName() const | os::Handler | |
GetNextHandler() const | os::Handler | |
GetNormalizedBounds() const | os::View | |
GetParent() const | os::View | |
GetPenPosition() const | os::View | |
GetPreferredSize(bool bLargest) const | os::View | virtual |
GetQualifiers() const | os::View | |
GetResizeMask() const | os::View | |
GetScrollOffset() const | os::View | |
GetSelection(const String &cClipboard="__system_clipboard__") | os::View | |
GetShortcut() const | os::View | virtual |
GetStringLength(const String &cString, float vWidth, bool bIncludeLast=false) const | os::View | |
GetStringLength(const char *pzString, int nLen, float vWidth, bool bIncludeLast=false) const | os::View | |
GetStringLengths(const char **apzStringArray, const int *anLengthArray, int nStringCount, float vWidth, int *anMaxLengthArray, bool bIncludeLast=false) const | os::View | |
GetStringWidth(const String &cString) const | os::View | |
GetStringWidth(const char *pzString, int nLen=-1) const | os::View | |
GetStringWidths(const char **apzStringArray, const int *anLengthArray, int nStringCount, float *avWidthArray) const | os::View | |
GetTabOrder() const | os::View | virtual |
GetTextExtent(const String &cString, uint32 nFlags=0, int nTargetWidth=-1) const | os::View | |
GetTitle() const | os::View | |
GetToken() | os::Handler | |
GetToolTip() const | os::View | |
GetTruncatedStrings(const char **pazStringArray, int nStringCount, uint32 nMode, float nWidth, char **pazResultArray) const | os::View | |
GetVScrollBar() const | os::View | |
GetWindow() const | os::View | inline |
HandleMessage(os::Message *pcMessage) | os::CalendarView | virtual |
Handler(const String &cName) | os::Handler | |
HasFocus() const | os::View | virtual |
Height() const | os::View | |
Hide() | os::View | inline |
Invalidate(const Rect &cRect, bool bRecurse=false) | os::View | |
Invalidate(bool bRecurse=false) | os::View | |
IsVisible() const | os::View | |
KeyDown(const char *pzString, const char *pzRawString, uint32 nQualifiers) | os::View | virtual |
KeyUp(const char *pzString, const char *pzRawString, uint32 nQualifiers) | os::View | virtual |
MakeFocus(bool bFocus=true) | os::View | virtual |
MouseDown(const Point &cPosition, uint32 nButtons) | os::View | virtual |
MouseMove(const Point &cNewPos, int nCode, uint32 nButtons, Message *pcData) | os::View | virtual |
MouseUp(const Point &cPosition, uint32 nButtons, Message *pcData) | os::View | virtual |
MoveBy(const Point &cDelta) | os::View | virtual |
MoveBy(float vDeltaX, float vDeltaY) | os::View | virtual |
MovePenBy(const Point &cPos) | os::View | |
MovePenBy(float x, float y) | os::View | inline |
MovePenTo(const Point &cPos) | os::View | |
MovePenTo(float x, float y) | os::View | inline |
MoveTo(const Point &cPos) | os::View | virtual |
MoveTo(float x, float y) | os::View | virtual |
Paint(const os::Rect &) | os::CalendarView | virtual |
Ping(int nSize=0) const | os::View | |
RemoveChild(View *pcChild) | os::View | |
RemoveFilter(MessageFilter *pcFilter) | os::Handler | |
RemoveThis() | os::View | |
ResizeBy(const Point &cDelta) | os::View | virtual |
ResizeBy(float vDeltaW, float vDeltaH) | os::View | virtual |
ResizeTo(const Point &cSize) | os::View | virtual |
ResizeTo(float W, float H) | os::View | virtual |
ScrollBy(const Point &cDelta) | os::View | virtual |
ScrollBy(float vDeltaX, float vDeltaY) | os::View | inlinevirtual |
ScrollRect(const Rect &cSrcRect, const Rect &cDstRect) | os::View | |
ScrollTo(Point cTopLeft) | os::View | virtual |
ScrollTo(float x, float y) | os::View | inlinevirtual |
SetBgColor(int nRed, int nGreen, int nBlue, int nAlpha=255) | os::View | |
SetBgColor(Color32_s sColor) | os::View | |
SetContextMenu(Menu *pcMenu) | os::View | |
SetDate(const os::DateTime &cDate) | os::CalendarView | |
SetDrawingMode(drawing_mode nMode) | os::View | |
SetDrawingRegion(const Region &cReg) | os::View | |
SetEraseColor(int nRed, int nGreen, int nBlue, int nAlpha=255) | os::View | |
SetEraseColor(Color32_s sColor) | os::View | |
SetFgColor(int nRed, int nGreen, int nBlue, int nAlpha=255) | os::View | |
SetFgColor(Color32_s sColor) | os::View | |
SetFlags(uint32 nFlags) | os::View | |
SetFont(Font *pcFont) | os::View | |
SetFrame(const Rect &cRect, bool bNotifyServer=true) | os::View | virtual |
SetMousePos(const Point &cPosition) | os::View | |
SetName(const String &cName) | os::Handler | |
SetNextHandler(Handler *pcNextHandler) | os::Handler | |
SetResizeMask(uint32 nFlags) | os::View | |
SetShapeRegion(const Region &cReg) | os::View | |
SetShortcut(const ShortcutKey &cShortcut) | os::View | virtual |
SetShortcutFromLabel(const String &cLabel) | os::View | virtual |
SetTabOrder(int nOrder=NEXT_TAB_ORDER) | os::View | virtual |
SetToolTip(const os::String &t) | os::View | |
Show(bool bVisible=true) | os::View | |
Sync() | os::View | |
TimerTick(int nID) | os::Handler | virtual |
ToggleDepth() | os::View | virtual |
Update() | os::CalendarView | |
View(const Rect &cFrame, const String &cTitle, uint32 nResizeMask=CF_FOLLOW_LEFT|CF_FOLLOW_TOP, uint32 nFlags=WID_WILL_DRAW|WID_CLEAR_BACKGROUND) | os::View | |
ViewScrolled(const Point &cDelta) | os::View | virtual |
WheelMoved(const Point &cDelta) | os::View | virtual |
Width() const | os::View | |
WindowActivated(bool bIsActive) | os::View | virtual |
~Handler() | os::Handler | virtual |
~View() | os::View | virtual |